July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

should Mr Handy subsequently inform you of his having a prospect of selling a larger quantity, you will be pleased to furnish him such quantity as he may require. Mr Handy is also well acquainted in New York having had extensive business transactions there. He thinks he could dispose of some Script in that city and therefore I would suggest that his power should not be restricted as lo locality. Should Mr Handy judge from the intellcgcnce of the times that lhe introduction of some troops is ad\.isable he is authorized to appropriate so much of the Script as he should dispose of to the raising and transporting of such Troops. He will com [municate with you from time to time and apprise you] of his operations. The article of clothing for the army is one of considerable interest. Mr Handy says he would see to the execution of any order on this subject either in New York or Philadelphia where the article could probably be had on better terms than any where else. While on this subject I will remark that the clothing should be uniform and that winter clothing will now be wanted.

Your Obt Sevt David G Burnet

P. S. A uniform button is much wanted lo distinguish our national dress. If you could make arrangements with a manufacturer through the aid of Mr Handy or otherwise, it would be well lo have some manufactured. Our distinguishing button is a star central, Letters "Texas" semicircular above, letters T. A. below, The button a little oval. (4200] [BURNET to PUBLIC] To the People of Texas . No. 2. It was said of a great Captain of antiquity, that he knew how to gain a victory, but not lo profit by it. Had the Texians promptly followed up the decisive advantage obtained on the field of San Jacinto, the panic stricken troops of Filisola, the largest division of the Mexican army, would have fallen an easy prey to the victors. What peculiar circumstances induced the inaction of the Texian camp, has not been fully developed, and it is not my design lo enquire into them. The fact that an Armistice was


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