July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

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[4198) [BURNET to TOBY I

Executive Department Velasco 13th Scplr 1836

To Messrs T. Toby & Brother Texas Agents New Orleans Gentlemen!

It affords me pleasure to introduce to your acquaintance

Alexander LeGrand Esqr.

Mr LeGrand proceeds to your city, on his way lo the interior of this country where he is deputed for the purpose of negotiating a treaty of peace between this government and the Comanche Indians. His mission is one of vast importance and I should greatly regret any impediment of its successful issue. Mr LeGrand will require about twelve hundred (1200) dollars lo carry him through, and I hope you will he able to furnish him with that amount, which you are authorized and requested to do. Expedition is all important in .Mr LeGrancls operations; and a respectable outfit not less necessary.

Your Obt Sevl David G. Burnet.

[4199) [BURNET lo TOBY J

Executive Department Velasco 13 Sept 1836


To Thomas Toby Esq Texas Agent Sir


Robert E. Handy Esq., a very estimable citizen of our young Republic proceeds to Philadelphia with a view lo advance our cause. Mr. Handy's intimate acquaintance in Philadelphia and other eastern cities qualifies him for eminent usefulness there, and we are very desirous of availing ourselves of his services. I am of opinion that he will be enabled Lo dispose of considerable quantity of Script and he has consented to exert himself in doing so. You will therefore be pleased lo furnish Mr. Handy with Script for one hundred thousand acres of land and also with the requisite power as a special agent lo sell and transfer it. And


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