July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

(4195) [BURNET lo RUSK]

Executive Department Velasco Sep. 13th, 1836

To T. J. Rusk

Brig. Genl. Comd. Sir-You are hereby notified that John A Wharlon has been appointed Secrelary at War and has entered upon the discharge of the duties of said office, and you are required lo respect him accordingly.

Your oht. st. David G. Burnet


Executive Department Velasco 13. Sept. 1836

To Capt Thompson Sir

You will please furnish Maj. R. A Ferguson, the bearer, with a passage on board the Sehr. Col. Fannin to New Orleans, at the Charge of the Republic of Texas.

Yours &c- David G Burnet

(4197] [BURNET to TOBY]

Executive Department Velasco 13 Sept 1836

To Messrs T Toby & Brother Texas Agents, Genln.

The bearer Mr William Bernbeck proceeds to Pittsburgh and is desirous of raising a company of men for the service of this country lo be enlisted for the term of one year or during the War. 1 have told Mr Bernbeck that in the event of his bringing any number of men, so engaged, you will defray their passages from Pittsburg and furnish them with transportation lo Texas.

Your Ohl Sevl David G. Burnet


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