July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8


We likewise forward your Excellcncys paper, two letters, one for Lhe Secretary of \Var, and the papers for the respective Deparlmenls of Stales. The Blank enlislmcnl bills are in type and will soon be sent, lo the amount of 500, until further orders. We arc desirous of receiving in lime for the next paper, No 3 of the Statement, and have lo congratulate your Excellency, on the good impression generally made by the publication of that interesting and able document. Very Respectfully your Excys. ohl Servants

G & T. H. Borden pr Edward Gritten

(4194) [BURNET to HANDY]

Executive Department Velasco 13 Sept 1836

To Robert Eden Handy Esqr Dear Sir

I have understood that you contemplated visiting the

eastern Cities of our native land.

Since the commencement of our struggle for Independence, many high-minded and generous friends of human liberty in that Country ha\'e made voluntary contributions intended to aid us in the unequal contest-And I am apprehensive that some very considerable benefactions have failed of their destination, for the want of a suitable agent to take charge of them. I pray therefore should you find any gentleman whose sympathies prompt them to assist their Kindred according to nalionalily, in an arduous struggle for all that is dear in civil life that you will receive any donations they may be disposed to make in the name and behalf of Texas. To this end you have the full authority of this Government; with sincere wishes that you may have a pleasant journey I am

Your Obt Sevl David G Burnet


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