twenty leagues on the frontiers, adjoining a foreign nation; and yet grants were also made by the legislature, in parcels of eleven leagues each: they are likewise denounced as illegal, and the authority over them will be resumed by the Government. This will affect many ofour citizens in the United States, who have been led to purchase lands from supposed proprietors, claiming under irregular or conditional public grants. The constitution precludes foreigners from holding lands, except by title direct from the Government, so that our countryment at home should understand that the acquisition of such property here carries with it the penalty of expatriation. I have now given you, in my several letters, information upon all the subjects that concern the present condition of this country in its several relations, and shall, in a fcw days, leave it, to return to Washington. I have taken copious notes from conversations with the officers of Government and intelligent settlers, the substance of which I shall communicate in person, or as the matter of a future despatch.
I have the honor to remain, Your obedient servant, Henry M. Morfit.
To the Hon. John Forsyth Secretary of State, Washington City.
[4193] [BORDEN to BURNET]
Columbia 13th Sep 1836
His Ex David G. Burnet Pre·sident of Texas Sir
By quarter Master Lee we forward the following Blank documents printed for and on account of the Government, viz 115 Sheets contg. 460 Paymaster Generals, Certificates for Bounty. 122 do. 488 948 148 Commissions do 158 Receipts for Bonds, 16 Bonds do do
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