[4190) [BURNET lo TOBY]
Execulive Departmenl Velasco 12 Sept 1836
To Thomas Toby Esquire Sir
I enclose you dupljcates of mine of 3 inst and of 16th ullo. The object of lhe Government, in extending the amount of ils Script sales, was to assure subsistence lo the Army. Should the War be protracled lo another year, large resources will be required and your utmost energies will be requisite lo meet the emergencies as they arise. The Script on the increased issue must be sent out agreeably lo my letter of 16 ulto for signature here as that form of Script will be more satisfactory lo purchasers and more consonant to the feelings of the people here. Your Obedient Servanl David G Burnet [4191] [GOROSTIZA to FORSYTH] Philadelphia, September 12, 1836. The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Mexican republic, has the honor to address the honorable John Forsyth, Secretary of State of these United States, in order to complain, in the name of his Government, of the arbitrary conduct of the collector of the custom-house of New York, in admitting, as he has, what is called the Texas flag of war into that port, and to protest, in consequence, against this proceeding, and the effects which may arise from it, as he considers the whole occurrence most injurious to the rights of Mexico, and manifeslly at variance with the very principles which the United States have professed, and on which they have acted in similar cases. The circumstances of the affair were these: On the 1st day of this month, an armed schooner, under what is called the Texan flag, anchored in the port of New York. On the same day, the Mexican consul wrote lo the district attorney, soliciting that the vessel might he seized, and that prosecution might be commenced
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