July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

one cast Iron or soap stone furnace for cooking, of good


one Do Small Size The soap stone, well pul up, is preferable lo Casl Iron, on Do

account of rust.

On Corn MiU (steel) of very best quality I would prefer having anything sent lo me directly al this

place. My chance of getting them is much better.


(4189) (BURNET to TOBY]

Executive Department Vclasco 12th September 1836

Messers T. Toby & Brother Gentm.

The three months volunteers have multiplied loo rapidly upon our hands. They never have, and never will do Texas any good; but much evil, independent of the cost, results from them. I therefore request you will furnish me the consideration of the nett proceeds which the sale of it shall or may produce lo the Government, the faith and credit of which shall be pledged for the payment of such sum to the grantor, as soon as it shall be in a condition to do it; the Government reserving to itself the right to transfer the land in discharge of the obligation al any time within twelve months. · In the present great want of means lo carry on the war the foregoing plan appeared to be a good one, and has met with the approbation of several to whom it has been shown. I intend next week to have it published with a list of such names as may be obtained, each subscribing a quantity of Land. My further views on this subject will be given by Mr. Gritton, lo whom (in the absence of my partner Mr. Baker) I am under obligations for his services in the editorial department of our paper, for the last two weeks. I have the honor lo be your Excellency's Ohl & Humble Servant G. Borden Jr.


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