without orders and I have really been apprehensive that a mutiny had occured on board and that probably he and most of his officers had perished. I feel some hesitation in unshipping him in New York, lest the vessel may be left in a distant foreign port without officers sufficient lo bring her home. I enclose a letter for him which I submit in some measure, lo your discretion. Should the Brutus certainly have gone to New York, please foward it (enveloped) to your Agent, and request him to urge by all means the return of the Brutus to this Porl.-l want to see her here. In explanation of my letter of 18 ullo, I remark that it is desirable the script should issue directly from the Government-that supposing you had nol di:;posed of any very considerable portion of the first issue, it would be better lo have the undisposed of part struck off anew and sent out for signature; but for you lo continue your sales and issues as before until the new form was returned to you signed by the authorities here. It was nol intended lo interrupt your operations should a large proportion of the first 500,000 acres be undisposed of, I would still prefer that you have Scrip printed and sent out for signah1re. The whole of the second authorization can be done so. I make large calculations upon Genl. Hunt and am desirous that every facility shall be afforded him, in perfecting his operations. Should you find il practicable to honor his drafts you will please do so. I once believed we had brought this unequal contest lo a most happy issue, and still of opinion that had not the infatuation of the people interposed, we should by this time have had our independence recognized by .Mexico, which is the ne plus ultra on the subject. But Lhe treaty was broken up and now we must fight it out in order to do so with energy and effect, and adequate permanent force is necessary. Such an one Gen) Hunt will bring, and therefore il is desirable that every possible assistance be afforded him. Your Obl Sevl David G. Burnet. P.S. It is with unfeigned regret that I trouble you with any little matters of my own. But really I am dependent upon your IGndness, and must crave your indulgence. My family are much in want of household articles for we are entirely stripped by the wrecks of the war. Please send me,
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