[4187] [BURNET lo TOBY]
Execulive Deparlmcnl Velasco 12 Sepl 1836
To Messrs T. Toby & Brother Genl.
The supplies on Ga~veslon Island arc very short; the troops and the prisoners there are beginning to feel the pinching of want. You will be pleased therefore to send, ~ early as practicable, the following articles to that Island, Tent Cloth, good stout, encough for 25 Tents with lines &c. 25 BLls Sugar 20 Sacks Coffee 50 bbls Bread 20 Bbls Mess Pork 10 "Molasses 15 lbs Stout linen thread 25 Kegs Powder Musket and Cannon, say IO Musket but, 15 Cannon. The Ordnance intended for the Island arc much wanted. Thal port, which is the Key to Texas, by sea, has been too long neglected. I beg Lherefore you will foward the cannon, named heretofore, without delay with a competent supply of munition. You will also be pleased to send to this place. 20 Bbls. Mess Pork 25 Boxes Soap 20 " Coffee 20 Bbls or 5 Tierces Rice 15 " Sugar 5 " Molasses 50 " Bread 5" Vinegar
Your Obedient Servant David G Burnet
Executive Department Velasco 12 Sept 1836
Messrs. T. Toby & Brother Gent.
After my packet for the Col. Fannin was made up I had
the pleasure lo receive yours of 1st instant.
I am equally astonished and vexed at the mysterious conduct of Capt Hurd of the Sehr Brutus. He sailed from here
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