July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

(4186) [BURNET to GRAYSON]

Executive Department Velasco 12th September 1836

To the Honl. Peter W. Grayson Sir

I had the pleasure lo receive yours of 15th July. and also

of 30th July.

We had before heard of the two Brigs and have conceived divers projects for laying violent hands on them. Whether any will . succeed is problematical. The election is closed. The result is not positively known, but no doubt is entertained that Genl. Houston is the President elect,- Lamar, vice,- Wm. H. Wharton is thought to be elected lo the Senate,- his brother & Dr. Archer to the other branch. Congress will soon meet and I do not consider it expedient to proce·ed any further, in relation to the Commissioner lo Washington. The subject will be taken up al an early stage of the session. Your Obedient Servant David G. Burnet P.S. Mr. Jack has resigned; vacancy not yet filled.


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