July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

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[4184] [BURNET lo CAPTAIN!

The captain or the Sehr. Col. Fannin will please furnish Don Ramon Martinez Caro with a passage to New Orleans and charge il lo this government he having rendered a valuable service. Velasco 12 Scpl. 1836 David G. Burnet President [4185] [BURNET lo COLLINSWORTH]

Executive Department Velasco. 12th September 1836

To the Hon!. James Collinsworth Dear Sir

I had the pleasure to receive your letter of 15th July apprising us of your arrival in Washington &c. &c. I trust you have availed yourself of every opportunity to make a favorable impression on the mind of the venerable President of the United States. Your long personal acquaintance with him gives you many facilities for this purpose. Our elections are over, and there is no doubt that Genl. Houston is the President elect- Lamar, vice President, Wm. H. Wharton is probably for the Senate, John A. Wharton and Dr. Archer lower house. The meeting of Congress is so near at hand, that I do not think it advisable to anticipate that, time in the appointment of an agent for Washington. One at least will doubtless be appointed soon after its assemblage. In haste, Your Ohl Servt David G. Burnet


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