and the circumstances which caused it, equally proclaim our infatuation. That others may not be alike deluded, is an additional motive with us to make this publication. Ed ward J. Wilson G. L. Postlethwaite P.S. It may be here proper to state, the commission of General Chambers is not recognized in Texas. He derives his commission from the former Governor, (Smith) whose acts have been officially dedared null and void. Lexington, Sept. 10, 1836. [4182] [SOLDIERS to the PUBLIC] [Various Soldiers, Matamoros, to the Public, September 11, 1836, defending Urrea and deploring his removaJ from his command of the Army of Operations against Texas. j [4183] [ZAVALA to BURNET]
Buffalo Bayou September 11 1836
In consequence of the bad state in which my health has been for some time past, I have been unable to go to join the Cabinet, but now I begin to improve fast and that I think 1 shall be able Lo ride on horse back, in short time. I have the honor to inform you, for your knowledge and that of the Cabinet-that I shall be with you in time to exercise my functions as Vice President of the Republic. I have the honor to be, Sir, with high respect. your obedient Servant. Lorenzo de Zavala His Excy David G. Burnett President of the Republic of Texas
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