2d, That the mass of the people from the highest functionary of their pretended Government to the humblest citizens (with but few exceptions) are animated alone by a desire of plunder and appear totally indifferent whom they plunder, friends of foes. 3d, That even now there is really no organized Government in the country-no laws administered-no Judiciary- a perpetual struggle going on between the Civil and Military Departments-and neither having the confidence of the people or bring worthy of it. We will here slate one or two facts which may lend to show the estimation in which they are respectively held by each · other, and their capacity to enforce their orders. The Secretary of War came down with a Quartermaster and steam boat to carry his loading, consisting of provisions, clothing, &c. to the main army. Capt. Switzer, a volunteer emigrant from Ohio, who had lately arrived, wanted some clothing for his men, and determined that unless he was first supplied with such articles as he desired, the expedition should not proceed. He Look possession of the fort under the comand of Col. Morgan, loaded the cannon, and prepared to fire on them if they attempted to move without his permission. He then sent a file of me~ on board and took the vessel into his own possession and sent the honorable Secretary with his Quartermaster and steam boat back to Velasco! Again, the President and Cabinet appointed General Lamar to the chief command of the Army-the Army promptly refused to receive him, and the power and authority of the Cabinet were contemptuously disregarded. The Army, then, doubtlessly, after due deliberation, resolved that the Cabinet was either corrupt or imbecile (probably both) and it being necessary, in their opinion, to get rid of them, determined to do so by a summary process. They therefore sent on an officer with instructions, forthwith lo arrest them and bring them on to Head Quarters to be tried, according to military usage. This order, however, was not executed, simply because the officer charged with its execution, had not the physical force requisite. These facts and others sufficiently demonstrate lo us that the Cabinet was deficient in all the requisites as a good Government. and that no one in his senses, would trust himself, his reputation or his fortunes to their charge or control. Charged with treason, bribery , and usurpation, weak in their councils and
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