this pl~ce on shorl Lerms or remit Lhe aml to us in any way you may thmk proper-wishing you success we arc Dr Sir Vry Respectfully Your obedt Servls Thomas Toby & Bro [Endorsed: J The One Hundred certificates wilh Lhe name of James 1-Ianse were _le~t with Mr. Toley in New Orleans only 376 were recd by me. W1lltams [4181] [WILSON and POSTLETHWAITE to PUBLIC] To The Public. The undersigned, deem it an act of justice, not to themselves alone, but to Lhe community of which they are members, more especially Lo Lhose whose generous sympathies were se deeply enlisted in the cause of Texas, to make known Lhe causes which have induced them to abandon an enterprise, in which Lhey embarked with so many fond and flattering hopes. They would have been glad to have been spared this painful task. They take no pleasure in the performance of an acl, which may tend Lo check Lhe universal current of kindne~ and sympathy which has been manifested by Lhe people of Kentucky, towards the people of Texas, from the beginning of their revolution down to the present time. They have too distinct a recollection of their own feelings when they quil their homes, to aid the cause, as they Lhen thought, of civil and religious freedom, not to know that their return and this brief expose of the motives which induced it, will cause a pang of mortification in many bosoms which now throb with exultation, in the hope of Texian freedom. Nothing buL a sense of duly-of the obligation which rests upon them to justify themselves, to the world, could now impel them Lo expose the unhappy civil and political condition of Texas to declare as they now do, their solemn conviction of her total unworthine~ of aid or sympathy. We might perhaps be content with this declaration of our opinions, bul we will proceed briefly lo fortify those opinions by a detail of facts. We will not dwell upon the false assurances made to us by men professing Lo be the accredited agents of Texas in this country. AL a Lime when the cause of Texas was dark and gloomy, when Santa Anna seemed destined lo carry desolation over the
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