Office of the Qr Mr General at Quintana July 27. 1836.
To W. Lawrence Qr Mr al Galveston Sir,
In answer to yours of the 19 inst. Complaining of the interference of the officers at your Post with your department, I have only to say that you have the Rules & regulations before you, & you will be held responsible for all errors committed or suffered to be committed by you. It is your duty to report the fact and have the officer dealt wilh according to Law. IL is your duty to take charge of all Public Horses & olher property belonging to your department & you will be held responsible for all errors or suffered interference in your Department. Your ob. Servt &c.
A Huston Qr Mr Genl
Galveston 27th July 1836
To James Morgan Col. Commanding Dear Sir
If it has been my misfortune to misconstrue your note of yesterday, I regret it. I can assure you that it has been on account of the rigid questions propounded and not ill feelings entertained towards you. I was not, neither am I yet, aware of the circum- stances that moved you to ask such questions, and moreover thought from the general tenor of your note & questions that you had anticipated such answers as would implicate me. Under such views I conceived that you should have preffaced your Interroga- tories by such remarks as would have given me to understand what had subjected me to such rigid examination, who my accusors, and the object to he effected by such unprecedented exaction. Had there been 'in your note of yesterday such explanation as in that of today, my reply I do assure you sir would have been different.
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