July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

(4178] [MORFIT to FORSYTH]

Velasco, September 10, 1836. Sir: Upon Lhe inquiry as to whether any negotiation has been commenced, or is intended, with Mexico for Lhe acknowledgment of lhe independence of Texas, I have ascertained Lhal no allempt of Lhal kind has been made since the failure of the treaty with General Santa Anna. Il was hoped that the commissioners, Lorenzo de Zavalla, the Vice President of this Stale, and the Hon. Bailey Hardeman, Secretary of the Treasury, wouId have been enabled, in conjunction with the President of Mexico, to have effected a full recognition according lo the understanding previously had on Lhal subject; bul the detention of Santa Anna, by the popular voice, after he had embarked with those two gentlemen, and his continued captivity, together with the political changes in Mexico since then, have put an end to all favorable expectations from that quarter. No attempt has been made by the authorities here to open any negotiation with any foreign power, other than the United States; and I bel.ieve all their wishes and applications on this subject are directed exclusively to Lhal Government. After the Mexican President was compelled to disembark from the vessel in which he was about to return in pursuance of the public treaty, he presented, on the 9th of June, 1836, a solemn protest against this alleged breach of good faith-averring, at the same lime, his intention and ability to perform all that had been promised upon the part of .Mexico. The public will, however, prevailed over the judgment of the cabinet, and General Sanla Anna still remains subject to the disposition of the ensuing Congress. The conslilu tional term of service of thal President will expire in April, but, from intelligence daily arriving, we are apprized that his popularity and power are already extinct. Indeed, Mexico appears lo be divided by various factions, some following or aiding the fortunes of individuals, while others are formed in lo political classes in favor or against the consolidated form of government. General Urrea is for re-establishing the federal conslitu lion, and, in consequence, has been recalled from the army Lo give place lo General Bravos.


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