July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

In treating with them you will act generally under your powers. You will particularly endeavor to secure the friendship & services of those tribes in our present war with Mexico but no treaty offensive or defensive lo subsist longer than the continuance of the war. You will as occasions may offer, report your proceedings & doings lo this Department. Your obedient servt.

David G. Burnet


Legation Extraordinary of Mexico in the United Stales of America, Philadelphia, Sept. 10, 1836. After reading the letter from Nacogdoches, dated the 4th of August, which appeared in the National Intelligencer of yesterday, I have but little doubt that the Mexican territory has been already unfortunately violated by the United States troops, especially as the contents of that letter only confirm the statement ol the same effecl made in others, which has heen received in Philadelphia, and which, as 1 learn, were written al Nacogdoches on the 16th and the 20th of July. Thal published in the Globe of the 25th ultimo, and which I sent to the Department of Stale with my note of the 26th, was, if I mistake not, elated the 23d [July] It appears, therefore, that the first troops which invaded and occupied Nacogdoches were three or four companies of dragoons who were precisely in Arkansas, and had no need of passing the Sabine in order lo reach that place, and that they were afterwards reinforced by some companies of infantry which had formed part of the force al General Gaines's encampment. If this be certain, and if the War Department has nol received despatches from the general on the subject, there must necessaryly have been a miscarriage of ils correspondence. However that may be, you, .Mr. Secretary of Stale, must know that I have now more cause than ever to be anxious for a reply to my notes of the 28th of July and the 4th of August. The resolution of the President will, in my opinion, determine the character of the relations which are lo exist immediately


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