Fifthly-The troops expeeled in a body from Lhc soulh are to be furnished by contract, so that, wilhoul any impulalion against the motives or chivalry of the individuals, Lhe obligation may fail when the hope of profit is destroyed. Six Lhly-The great majority of the emigrants, no maller by what good feelings actuated in the commencement of service, always manifest a reversionary desire for home, and return to the United States as soon as their duty is over; so Lhal the population of the country is never actually augmented. Seventhly-The old colonists would not, by themselves, be able to suslain an invasion, and, at the same time, supply the means for the war. And, finally, independent of any other objection, the ardor of volunteers, and the interest which the fale of the brave in the late ballles produced, have greatly abated, by the suggestions and arguments that this whole enterprise of independence is a mere speculative scheme, concocted and encouraged for the aggrandizement of a few.
I have Lhe honor to be, Your obedient servant, Henry M. Morfit.
To the Hon. John Forsyth, Secretary of State.
(4176] [BURNET to LE GRAND]
Executive Department Velasco lOLh September 1836
To A. Legrand Esquire Agent Extraordinary &c. &c. Dear Sir.
You will proceed from this place via New Orleans where you will merely remain sufficiently long to make your pecuniary arrangements with our commercial agents Messr T Toby & Bros. lo Fort Gibson. After Having supplied yourself at that point with such things as may be necessary lo facilitate the object of your mission, you will proceed directly to the Tribes of Indians with whom you are to treat.
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