July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

Mexicans. ln November, Lepa11tillla11 on the Nueces was captured by Adjutant Westover. The balllc near Bexar was fought in the same month, and 400 Mexicans were ohliged lo retire, under cover of the artillery of the Lown, before 200 Texans. And in December, the city of San Antonio and the Alamo, defended by 1,300 .Mexicans under General Cos, surrendered lo 400 Texans, com- manded by Colonel Milam. This lerminalcd the first campaign in the cause of civil liberty in -Texas. The second commenced with a small expedition against Matamoras, which failed, and was succeeded in March, 1836, by Lhe assault of Santa Anna upon the Alamo, its surrender, and the massacre of the Texans. Then foUowcd Lhe defeat of the Mexicans al the Mision <lei Refugio by Captain King, and Lhe destruction of Gonzales on the retreat of General Houston. The second fight al Refugio lerminaled favorably to the Texans under Colonel Ward. But Colonel Fannin, a few days after, submitted to General Urrea, and 400 men were shot. On the 2lsl of April, 1836, Lhe decisive battle of San Jacinlo was fought, in which General Santa Anna, with 1,300 men, was defeated by General Houston commanding 783; and on Lhc 24th of Lhe same month, all Lhe Mexican forces retreated beyond the frontiers of Texas. This concluded the second campaign, and lhence, il is said, a new epoch in her hislory was dated. If we recur lo Lhe military incidents of Mexico, in which persons from Lhe United Stales look parl even while Lhal country was under the dominion of Spain, it will be seen Lhal nearly all the conflicts were disastrous lo her subjects, and that there seems lo be a fatality againsl here thal is likely lo keep pace with all her pretensions on this side of her natural boundary, the Rio Grande. As early as 1810, Lhe military posl at Balon Rouge, whose commandant had commilled many wrongs againsl Colonel Kemper, was attacked by 40 Americans under General Thomas, and the garrison, wilh Colonel Lassus and J 20 men, subdued. The Mexicans about Lhat Lime had commenced a revolution against Spain, and Colonel Ross, with 500 men, proceeded into Texas lo aid the palriols: he attacked and look the strong fortress of Goliad without any loss, and soon after ddcatcd and capture 1,500


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