July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

refugios, or places of retreat for the early Spanish scLLlcrs from the approaches of the Indians. They arc chapels surrounded by walls of masonry, now dilapidated, and were capable of holding 200 men, each. The naval force of Texas has already been described in a former communication. IL consists of lhc Invincible, of nine guns; lhc Brutus, of the same force; the Independence, of eight guns; and the Liberty, of three; the whole manned l,y lwo hundred men. The ability lo repel further invasion from Mexico is fully believed here, as the strength of the army is greater than it has been al any former period, and the operalions of the Government will be more systematic than heretofore, as the approaching Congress will, no doubt, combine the wisdom and direct the energies of the people. There is not al this lime, norc has there been since the retreat of General Filisola, a single ~lexican enemy of this side of the Rio Grande. What Texas may be able lo do hereafter in her contlict, it would be merely supposililious Lo say; but Lo compare the probability of coming even ls with the success of those that have passed, the result would be highly favorable Lo the establishment and maintenance of her independence. In order that you may determine whether the history thus far may be considered as experience thal will leach successfully by example l submit the following summary: In the year 1827, when Lhe Texans near Nacogdoches had been aggrieved by the military al thal posl, and had ineffectually endeavored to procure their removal, they took up arms for the purpose, and with 250 undisciplined men defeated 375 regulars, under General Las Picdras. In 1832, during the administration of Buslarncnle, and after the viola Lion of the federal conslilulion, a detachment of 132 Texan selllers, under Captain John Austin, besieged and reduced the fort al Velasco, garrisoned by 173 Mexicans, under Colonel Ugarlicha, with great loss lo Lhe besieged. In 1835, the Mexican garrison at Anahuac , under Captain Tcnoria, surrendered lo Col. Travis, commanding a smaller force. In October of the same year, the Mexican cavalry from lhe forlres.s al Bexar were completely routed at Gonzales. A few weeks after, 92 Texans, under Colonels Bowie and Fannin, fough L the ballle of Conception, and defeated 450


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