regiments of infantry, one of cavalry, and one incomplete regiment of artillery; so that the regular army will be about 1,700 strong. Of volunteers, there are now in the field for the war, four full companies, and about 600 men who were engaged for six months, besides several companies enlisted for three months, whose period of service in near expiring. The whole army may therefore be put down at 2,500, and the Secretary of War reports that "volunteers continue to arrive by every vessel, without scarcely an exception." The army will be 5,000 strong before December. In this estimate the old colonists and farmers are not included; they are prudently left lo their usual pursuits, and will be called out only upon the greatest emergency. This class of citizens amounts, it is said, to at least 3,000; so that the whole force of the country, in the last resort, will be 8,000 men. The plan of receiving volunteers for three months has been found to be injurious to the cause, as well as to the economy of the State; and hereafter enlistments will be received principally for the duration of the war, and none for less that six months. As regards an exact detail of the military condition of Texas, it is impossible, as the department which should furnish the information is not itself in possession of regular returns. The acting Secretary of War ·estimates the army at near 3,000; and officers with whom I have conversed, and who were immediately from camp and the several garrisons, suppose the whole force at the various points to be much less. I have, therefore, in presenting the preceding estimate, taken the mean number as the most probable upon their own statements, and have put it at 2,500 men. Notwithstanding these representations from the officers of Government and the reports which are circulated by individuals interested to corroborate them, I am induced to believe, from personal obervation, that all the troops now in Texas do exceed 2,000, and that the expectation of her citizens, as regards either new volunteers or the number that can be drawn to the field from
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