July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

of them were, and are sLill unable Lo walk lo the mill from Lhe fort wiLhoul assisLance. I muslered 3 Mexicans lo duly today, all Lhe rcsL are sick, some of Lhem dangerously. I think two or three will die cerLainly in a day or two. Now, Sir, under all Lhese circumsLances, would il not be advisable if the Govl. really wish for lumber for Lhe fortifications, barracks &c.-on Galveslon, lo send me some 11 or 12 Americans, good Americans together with the Engineer above mentioned, and I will ensure them lumber fasLer Lhan they can work ii up. This is Lhe only way lo make the malter certain. If Lhey are noL in earnest about the lumber (which I cannot bring my mind to imagine), why then, no matter whether the Mexicans arc kept here or on the island, as Lhey must cal the provisions of the Govt. in either place. By the firstopporlunily I will send Lhcm Lo the island, for I will not be fellered wilh such an hclples.s set of devils as they are. I have expended, (out of my own pocket) al least ten dollars, in differcnl kinds of ~ledicinc for them, and it is all of no avail: for even when well, or measurable so they are determined to remain on the sick !isl. Some of them arc without shoes, and some of the sick have not a second change of clothes lo their back. I earnestly entreat you therefore lo send me 10 or 12 Americans and the above Engineer, and I have no hesitation in saying that there can be more lumber sawed al this mill than the Govt. can use for the isalnd. My wife continuing much in the same way; very little hope of her recovery. Mr daughter Eleanor is also sick but only slightly. The resl of my family well With my besl wishes for your welfare; I am always, dear Sir. Yours Sincerely: David B Macomb Lieut Col Corps of Artillery Texas Army [4175] [MORFJT lo FORSYTHJ Velasco, Texas, September 9, 1836. Sir: The military force of Texas, as now embodied, consists of regulars and volunteers. The first comprise lwo


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