The undersigned has no doubt that Mr. Forsyth will act with the utmost promptitude in an affair which is of such magnitude, and which is of such magnitude, and which it prosecuted to the end proposed, will be so en tirely at variance with the principles of neutrality adopted by the Government of the United States. The undersigned avails himself of this occasion to renew lo the honorable John Forsyth, Secretary of State of these United Stales, the assurances of his most distinguished consideration. M. E. De Gorostiza. To the Hon. John Forsyth, Secretary of State.
(4174) [MACOMB to MORGAN]
Steam Sawmill San Jacinto September 9th 1836
Dear Sir.
I have just ascertained from Mr. William Colton that he is a thorough bred Engineer from Pittsburg Pa. Mr. Colton is a private in Captain Turners Company stationed on Galveston Island. He is now doing duty on board of the public boat, and if he can be spared from Camp for such service I would earnestly recommend that he be ordered up to this Mill to do duty as an Engineer. He says he is perfectly willing to come and do duty at the MiU provided he is ordered by the competent authority. I have received a recent order from the Secretary of War, ordering me to Saw lumber to build barracks for 1000 men on Galveston. He no doubt was at the time unaware that the Engineer who has ever since he came to work, been employed in repairing and fixing the Engine &c was only engaged for a limited time, and that time has expired. I am now and have been for six days without an Engineer and consequently at a full stop. The Mexicans (15) who were sent me only arrived on the 15 day of August; half of them took sick in a few days and are still sick. A few days more I received 6 more, five
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