July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

Gov. which alone can compensate them for their past sufferings therefore have no hesitation in saying to you and to every one else, that I wish for the intervention of the U. S. Govt. in the affairs of Texas-that I have endeavor'd to procure its intervention, and that this was my only object in advising Gen. Santa Anna ·lo apply lo Gen. Jackson, and my only object in writing to him and lo You on the 4th instant. Rumor and excited passions or political Slander have accused me of a desire lo save the life of Gen. Santa Anna in violation of justice which demands his execution as a murderer- I have had no hand in saving him and he was saved by the armistice entered into by Gen. Sam Houston on the 22d April, and by the Cabinet of Texas aftern·ards- I have no undue sympathy for Santa Anna- My sympathies are all for Texas and her inhabitants, and if Santa Anna can be used to end the war, I am willing to use him on the principle of public good, and more especially after he was saved and treated with on the field of battle and received as a prisoner of war and treated as such by the Civil and military authorities of the country. But I am not willing to turn him loose without previous, and ample, and sufficient, and unquestionahle guarantees- The only one of this character that I can see, is the guarantee of the U. S. and I have endeavored (so far as I have had anything to do with this matter) to use Gen. Santa for the purpose of obtaining it Many here have objected that in my letter to Gen. Jackson and to you of 4 instant, I stated that I believed Santa Anna was sincere in his promises to end the war and acknowledge our independence-The object of those letters was to procure the guarantee of the U. S. and it would have been a Strange thing in me, to have said to Gen. Jackson, and, to you, that I did not believe in Santa Anna's promises, and at the same time Asked you to Guarantee them- I consider it quite immaterial whether he is sincere or not, if through his promises the guarantee of the U. S. can be obtained, for that very guarantee would make him secure by compelling him, to comply, as he well knows- I consider that there is but one doubt or difficulty about this matter, which is whether Santa Anna's power and influence in Mexico would be sufficient to enable him to procure an acknowledgment of the independence of Texas- This doubt I think is well founded, and that it can only be removed by some


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