( 3765] (BURNET to TOBY]
Executive Department Velasco 22 July 1836
To ~lessrs-T. Toby & Brother Gent.
I have the pleasure to acknowledge your favor of 12th instant. Your attention to the subject of volun leers is very grati- fying to this Government. Our Army is getting strong and unless the enemy shall accelerate their movements, we shall want em- ployment. Our great object now is to have our Army well sustained. For this purpose, your exertions are greatly relied upon. The present from the ladies of the Havana is as flattering to our national feelings as it is interesting in itself. ShouId you succeed in getting possession of those guns, we wish them sent to Galveston, with a competent supply of s-uitable ammunition. We are much in want of some six or eight good strong Gun Field carriages for 4s and 6s and if practicable I will thank you to send them. They had better be shipped to Matagorda; one or two good Caisson's with harness &c would be very acceptable. In haste
Your Obedient Servant David G. Burnet
Executive Department Velasco 22 July 1836
To Messrs T Toby & Brother Gent.
You will please send by first opportunity, to this Govern- ment I Doz Copies Rules & Regulations of the United States Army.½ Doz. Ditto Ditto of the Navy and oblige your Obt Servt David G. Burnet You will also send l doz of the rules and articles of War. Burnet
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