July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

[3801) [ALLEN to RUSK]

Head Quarters Texas Army, Victoria, July 27, 1836.

General Thomas J. Rusk.

Dear sir,- Enclosed are a few brief remarks giving my views relative lo the disposition of General Santa Anna by this Army, also touching in a brief manner our policy under the present stale of affairs in this county. These remarks I am•induced to make on account of the various flying reports going the rounds of the country which were calculated lo injure the army, (the bulwark of our nation's safely) should they gain credit, which I have made known lo many of the officers and men (my acquaintances) and they appear to agree in their minds in the main. I assure you, Sir, it has relieved my mind very much; as I have heard from them have heard that the report relative lo the trying and convicting General Santa Anna by Court Martial, is false and unfounded, and that such an act is not nor has been contemplated by the army generally, and that the imputed military usurpation of this army is also false. I hope such is the fact. I look upon such vile slander and mischief makers as enemies to the cause for which we are battling. Allow me to beg your indulgence, and seriously call your attention to the enclosed remarks, and I trust they may assist your deliberate consideration. From, very respectfully, your friend and humble serv't, A. C. Allen [3802) [AUSTIN to GAINES]

Peach Point, near Brazoria Texas, July 27 1836

.Maj. Gen. E. P. Gains, Dr Sir,

I had the honor lo write you on the 4th instant on the subject of the indians, and also in relation Lo the termination of the war between Texas and .Mexico, through the mediation of the U. S. on the basis of the full recognition of the independence of Texas by Mexico-


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