The second interrogation I have fully answer in my first. To the third I answer, insulting as it is, that the Pocket has
never been kept as a boarding establishment.
The first clause of the fourth is answered in my first. To the second and last clause I answer that they have consumed the provisions of the Government, to which, under the peculiar circumstances they were entitled, and for which I am responsible. The fifth is answered in my first. To the sixth I answer, that owing to the great want of discipline on the Island, and the peculiar & unpleasant circumstances by _which I have been surrounded, resulting from liberties, in a great measure, that you have given persons lo deposite in the Pocket, an<l sell liquors, I have often been very much annoyed by persons from the Island. I cannot inform you what has been the greatest number at any one time. Suffer me in conclusion to state that I should have been truly gratified had you adopted such a precedent, if you had have instituted your inquiry in a legal way. And I do hope that you and those lo whom you refer as prying into the matter, are not fully satisfied with this shewing, and able to disabuse the minds of any that may have been led astrny, will without delay, institute a legal inquiry, that I may justify, which I can be prepared to do in a few days, then sir, I will resign, which I am anxious to do, that I may get rid of the heavy responsibilities that rest upon me and by taking up my musket and joining the army, get rid of the lamentable state of confusion that exists at this Post. P. S. My boarders, as you may be pleased to call them, are so few, that I have quite a task to keep a regular watch, which is necessary to prevent light articles with which the decks are crowded, from being purloined. Will you please let me know something of the origin of this matter? W.L. Respectfully W. Lawrence Qr. Master T. A.
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