July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

delay. His being sent from the army to expedite its movements Thought it might give confidence to the General if he was appoin- ted & ordered lo put that expedition into operation. It is not my wish to run this Govt. into any unnecessary expense with a surplus of officer in it, unless the immediate ne- cessity required it. I have asked the appointment to two Asst. Qr Mr Genl. I am not entitled lo but one, & if you do not see proper to wave the strict rules laid down for our guidance, to wit. the United States Discipline, you will be pleased to give that appointment to R B Irvine whose commission I forwarded to the President in your absence. I hope you will give me immediate instmction in regard to these matters. I do most sincerely hope you will have the Commis- sion for Asst. Qr Mr Genl. Irvine forwarded lo me in order that I may apprise him of the fact & be prepared to facilitate the move- ments of the army

I have the honor to be Sir your Ob. St. &c A Huston Qr Mr Genl



[James Morgan, Galveston, to W. Lawrence, on board the Pocket, July 26, 1836, demanding to know the names of persons on board the vessel. I


Galveston 26 July 1836

To J. Morgan Col. Commanding Sir:

I hasten to answer your interrogation as matter of courtesy, being weU aware that you have no right to interrogate me in relation to any of my official acts. If doubts exist upon your mind or upon the mind of any man in relation to the business of the Quarter Master's Department I am prepared to meet a legal investigation to which all officers are subject for neglect, improper


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