July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

neglect of duty in this respect, on the part of those officers, it will be promptly inquired into, on being made known lo the Department. The undersigned renews to Mr. Gorosliza the assurances of his most distinguished consideration.

Asbury Dickins.

His Excellency Senor Don Manuel Eduardo de Gorostiza, &c. [3796] [FAVEL to MORGAN]

[L. A. Favel, Bolivar, lo James Morgan, July 26, 1836, about movement of the Flash and Apollo.] r31911 [HOUSTON to GENERAL COMMANDING J

Ayish Bayou 26th July 1836

To the General Commanding the Army of Texas

Sir I have just heard though a citizen from the army that it is the intention to remove Genl Santa Anna to the army and place him upon his trial I cannot cl'edit this statement, it is obviously contrary lo the true policy of Texas- The advantages which his capture presented lo us will be destroyed- disregard if you will our national character and place what constructioi1 you please upon the rules of civilized warfare we are compelled by every rule of humanity and morality, to abstain from any act of passion or inconsideration that is to be unproductive of positive good, exe- cute Santa Anna and what will be the condition of the Texans, who are held as prisoners by the Mexicans? What will be the condition of the North Americans who are residing within the limits of Mexico? Death to them and confiscation of their prop- erty is the least that can be expected-Doubtless torture will be added to the catastrophe when stimulated by ignorance, fanati- cism and the last expiring struggle of the Priesthood for power and dominion- Texas to be respected must be considered politic and just in her actions Santa Anna living and secured beyond all danger of escape (in the Eastern section of Texas as I first suggested) may be of incalculable advantage to Texas in her present crisis- In cool


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