learned that any other of the same kind has been taken lo the United States. Your attentive servant, who kisses your hand. Ant. Lopez de Santa Anna [37941 [AUSTIN lo HOLLEY] [Henry Austin, Hot Springs, lo Mary Austin Holley, July 26, 1836, on personal matters, and staling: "Don't be frightened about 15000 Mexicans, they arc raw recruits, convicts & pressd men, wont fight and as Houston is out of the way and Lamar a fighting chicken al the head of the army there will be no want of good riflemen to shoot the vagabonds. Still you must husband your means, as this campaign will cost me my crop of corn, there will be no raising money on Texas securities." J [3795) [DICKINS to GOROSTIZA] Department of State, Washington, July 26, 1836. The undersigned, acting Secretary of State of the United Stales, has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the note of Mr. Gorosliza, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Mexican republic, of the 21st instant. Instructions will be immediately given, in compliance with Mr. Gorostiza's request, for inquiring into the truth of the statement which he has copied from the New York Courier and Enquirer, as to the men who passed Grand Gulf under Colonel Wilson, on their way to Texas, and those who were to follow from Kentucky; and measures will be taken, both to punish such of the persons concerned as may have been engaged in violating the laws, and to prevent those violations which the statement alleges to be intended. With respect to the doubts which Mr. Gorostiza has expressed as lo the fidelity of some of those officers whose duty it is lo prevent and bring to punishment violations of the laws for preserving the neutrality of the United States, the undersigned has to remark that, if Mr. Gorostiza is acquainted with any instance of
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