Office of the Qr Mr Genl al Quintana July 25th 1836-
To the Hon. The Secty of War Dear Sir,
There has been many calls on me within the last few days by discharged and furlough'd soldiers for provisions to last them home. I have yet in every instance furnished what we had. I am sensible it is out of the regular Mode of doing business and I do not feel at liberty to continue the practice to any great length without your approbation. Situated as we are without money to pay off men when discharged I think we cannot refuse to give them rations sufficient to carry them home. Be so good as to give me directions in regard to the matter
With much respect Sir Yr Ob St A Huston Qr Mr Genl
[ 3791] lRUSK to HOUSTON]
Head Quarters Victoria 25th July 1836
Dear Genl
Some few days ago I wrote but did not then nor have I now time to write you as fully as I could desire the Country from the operations of the Cabinet are in the utmost confusion and disorder and requires the active energies of all men of influence to bring things again to rights. Your popularity by the late movements has been greatly increased and your coming to the Army would have a beneficial influence. I am taking up the line of march from Copeno our Army there will be from a thousand to fifteen hundred strong. The enemy at Mallamoras are about three thousand strong and many are deserting their ranks they are doing all they can to raise new troops and if the proper means can be used. Our Army will be so increased as to bid defiance before they can reach here do not fail to come on as soon as possibly can yot;r presence and influence
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