supplied and warm for a fight. They expect to meet and whip 14,000 Mexicans.
Your friend, Edmund P. Gaines.
Mrs. Gaines is in more feeble health than when you left me, requires my immediate departure for Alabama, where she is endeavorinu to go by land to the Blount Springs in Blount County. Your lette;s addressed to me at, or near Tuskaloosa, will find me soon. I shall leave this place in a day or two unless tomorrow's express brings more favorable news of my wife's health. I finished my vindication soon after your departure, but did not forward it until the 4th. of the month. I will try to send you a copy soon. I take and shall hold the attitude of proud defiance. E.P.G. [3789] [HUSTON to LEE]
Office of the Qr Mr Genl at Quintana July 25 1835 [6]
Order No 15 To Theo. S. Lee Qr Master Sir,
I have been directed by the Seely of War to have 1000 Beeves bot. east of the San Jacinto, Trinity &c you will therefore proceed without delay to that Quarter, and purchase One thou- sand head of Beeves giving vouchers on the Govt. for them you will take care to keep duplicates of all purchases you make, and in case you cannot purchase you are by order of the Secty of War, authorized to press that number of Beeves for the use of the Govt. of Texas, taking care to give vouchers for them. You are referred to Judge Wm Harden for information & assistance. It is to be expected that your usual energetic manner of doing business will he promptly followed in the execution of this order You will cause the Beeves to be driven West of the Brazos river and then herded untill further orders
Your ob. Servt A Huston Qr Mr Genl
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