Col l\·lillard will inform you Col Wheelock has shown much spirit & anxiety in getting matters arranged to facilitate the move- ments of the army and is worthy the gratitude of his Comclg Genl. I have the honor to he with much respect Yr ob St &c
A Huston Qr Mr Genl
Camp Sabine, 25th. July, 1836
My Dear H.-
1 had the pleasure to receive by the last express from Jesup your very kind and acceptable letter of the 12th. of June. It is the first I have had from you since your departure from Natchitoches. How anxiously I had been looking for your return with an act or some other evidence of the recognition on the part of our Government of the Hurculean infant Republic of Texas and with authority for me to retain you on my staff as an Asst. Inspector General. I could not describe to you in words what I shall, vhenever a fit occasion offers, speak in the more emphatic language f acts, if my enemies do not by a combination which I feel will ltimately do me honor rather than permanent harm, put it out of .ny power for a time to act - Or in other words to do acts, which whilst they contribute to reward modest merit, will at the same time ensure the public service every quality of the head and the heart calculated to do honor lo, and advance the best interests of the Service. If you cannot be with me I wish you to he placed on duty wherever it may be most agreeable to you. You will do yourself and the Service and I may add your friends in the South and West much good by being located for a year or two in the City of New York. I have in my mind an important duty to assign lo your superintendance in that great city, which I will communicate to you soon. I need not tell you that it is connected with my system of Rail Roads from the two great military and central states of Tennessee and Kentucky to each one of the grand divis.ions of the national frontier. I may without egotism or arrogance call this a magnificent scheme and if I live nearly so long as several of my ancestors lived, I shall live lo see the work in complete operation. A
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