July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

Col. Morgan will be instructed to send the prisoners or not according to the nature of your report. And I request you will make out and forward the report as soon as may be convenient.

Your able Servt David G. Burnet

[3786) [BURNET to TOBY]

·Executive Department Velasco 24 July 1836

To Messrs T. Toby & Brother Gentn.

It becomes very important for us to increase our naval

forces by all possible means.

The abstraction of the Liberty from the Service is pecu- liarly unfortunate at this time, as the enemy are making an extra- ordinary effort to enlarge their Maratime power. Capt Wheelwright will return to New Orleans, in the hope that the Schooner Liberty may be released from her embarass- ments, and speedily fitted for Sea. If this be possible, I beg it may be done. You will employ all the means in your power to effect it.

Your Obt Servt David G. Burnet

[3787) [HUSTON lo RUSK]

Office of the Qr Mr Genl Quintana July 24 1836

To Brig Gen. Thos J Rusk Comdg the Texian Army Dear Sir

From the little knowledge I have of Colonel Wheelock's enterprising spirit and energetic manner of doing business, I have endea'vored to get him into my Department. The Government have refused lo commission him they have also refused lo commission me an Asst Qr Mr Genl. I have been much troubled to get energetic men into this Department: consequently nothing can be done. Every Branch of operations is completely lied up.


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