[3991) [SAWYER to i\-IORGAN]
War Department Velasco Aug. 13 1836
To Coln Morgan Commandant Fort Travis Sir-
You will remove the Mexican Officers,-prisoners under your Charge to Liberty and Cause them to be placed under the Superintendence of the Honr Wm Hardin in the manner of executing this Order you can use- Your discretion, but I Would Suggest that Capt. Turner with a portion of his Company be detailed for the duty. and that Capt. Turner remain, with them untill, a Sufficient Guard has been Organized by Mr. Hardin for their Security, and, then return to the Island.
Your Obt. St. F. A. Sawyer acting Sec. at War
[3992] [TOBY to BURNET]
New Orleans 13th Augsl 1836.
To His Excellency David G. Burnet President of the Republic of Texas Dear Sir.
Permit us lo introduce to you, Capt James L. Holmes, who sails in the Sehr Coln. Fannin, for Velasco with a company of fine Kentucky Volonteers. Capt H was formerly a Colonel in the U.S. Service during the war, & from what we can hear and have seen of him is a gentJeman of Good standing & respectability; he wilJ be an acquisition lo our cause and have assured him of a kind reception from you.-
Respectfully Remaining Your Obdt. Servants Thomas Toby & Bro.
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