July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

In a few days I shall proceed lo the interior lo collect from personal observation the materials for a more systematic despatch.

I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, Henry i\l. Morfit.



Head Quarters Coleto 13th Aug. 1836

To Dr Allsbury

Sir during your stay at Bejar I will thank you to ascertain as many as practicable the quantity of stock and corn in the neighborhood of Bejar and send me down as soon as possible a full report of the situation of the caltle the quanity of corn &c and generally such remarks as you may deem important

Your obedient servant Thos. J. Rusk Brig. Gen. Comg.



Head Quarters Coleto 13th August 1836

To Miguel Arciniega

I have been inform that much property has been driven off from the Bejar towards the Rio Grande all persons have been expressly forbidden to drive cattle or carry off property to the West and you will prevent any one doing so those who have not been engaged against us in the war will be protected i·n their person and property and those who have will not under any pretext be permitted Lo remove any property or stock to Rio Grande.

Thomas J. Rusk Brig Gen Comg


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