Office of Qr .Mr General Quintana Augt 13. 1836
Order No. 30
To Thos Maxwell Asst Qr i\lr Sir,
In conformity with an order from the Secty of War you
will forthwith carry into effect the following order.
Have one hundred cords of good wood for steam Boats cut & delivered on the Bank of the San Jacinto or Buffalo Bayou in some convenient spot for the Boal to approach drawing 4 feet waler- This order must be carried into effect as soon as possible as the Boat will be ready lo leave in six or eight days You will also deliver to Mr Mann four Mexicans to assist him in carrying into effect an order he has just received from this department Do not fail lo have a portion (if not the whole) of the wood in readiness in the course of 8 days
Respectfully Yrs &c A Huston Qr Mr Gen!
Victoria Augst 13th 1836
T. B. Huling Esqr. Dear sir
I have written 2 letters lately by DiffeTent persons in the 1st I Recomended Thos J Rusk for president but finding that he is not Eligable on account of his age the friends of Texas in this part of the country we are determined to support Henry Smith in oposition to the Aostin faction do all you can for Smith our Interest and the Interest of the country depends upon it therefore let us work in the good cause. Branch T. Archer will be run for vice president I have heard of no other candidate. Purchase all the good Land rights you conviently can we must succeed but have nothing to do with Town Lotts old stocks of goods or more partners.
Adios H. Millard
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