July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

[3984) [HUSTON lo MAXWELL]

Order No 27

Office of the Qr Mr Genl Quintana Aug 13-1836

To Asst Qr Mr Maxwell Sir,

As it is all important that there should be cloathing furnished the army you will therefore return to Mr Mann the Taylors that you took from him and procure other laborers for the mill. They cannot be but of little use to the mill as they are tradesmen, but they can be of great use in making clothes for the army

Yrs &c A Huston Qr Mr Genl


Order No 28

Office of the Qr Mr Gen! Quintana Augt 13. 1836.

To Qr Mr Lawrence Galveston Sir,

You will procure transports for 1400 men and forward them to this place [or] Copano with all possible dispatch, if they cannot be had without you must press them, there must be no delay in this matter as it is a positive order from the Secty of War. If Qr Mr Lawrence is not al Galveston Asst Qr Mr Bodman will see that this order is carried inlo effect By order A Huston Qr i\1r Genl


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