July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

of Texas Soverignity. l\lake haste and give us help.

Yours truly George Fisher

[Addressed:] pr Col. Fannin [boat] Genl. S. F. Austin Texas Care of Messrs. McKinney & Williams Quintana Texas [3982)


[l\loreau Forrest, Nacogdoches, to T. J. Rusk, August 13, 1836, quoting a letter from President Burnet that he had heard read aloud in Kentucky by Robert Triplett, in which Burnet had stated to Triplett: "I do not know what to do, whether to give up the country to the Mexicans, or to the numerous volunteers who are now pouring in-but of the two evils I think 1 will choose the least-give up to the Mexicans."]

[3983] [HUSTON to MANN]

Office of the Qr Mr Gent Quintana Augt. 13, 1836

Order 26.

To Marshall .Mann Sir,

You are hereby authorized to repair to the principle crossing on the Colorado river and prepare a good and sufficient ferry boat for the purpose of crossing all troops lo or from the army, you are also authorized lo provide Beeves and such other articles of provisions as that county may afford and see that all troops passing are supplied. You must be carefull to keep a regular acct of all your transactions, one of which you will have sent to this office at the end of every month it is expected you will be diligent in the discharge of said duty

By order A Huston Qr Mr Genl


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