opinion the Venus will be repaired on her arrival here, and will change colours [illegible j . In all my former letters I have urged to you the necessity of assisting Mr. Sawtangels with the ample means to conduct his [illegible] and that unless such assistance is rendered lo him, he would be compelled to suspend the publication....:. No timely assistance to this effect has come to hands and with regret I have to inform you that I read this morning a note from him, wherein he states, that in consequence of his utter impossibility of defraying the expenses of printing, he is compelled after the next Monday's paper No. 41 lo suspend his operation, and that he will give it as an ostensible cause, the impaired stale of his health as an obstacle, and that some time in Sept. next he expects to reasume the publication preceeded by a new Prospectus, which wiU state the course the [illegible) is to pursue in future.- (I am afraid if it is suffered that the Suspension should take place that while tempora are mutantur he will also be mutand, and that the cause of Texas will materially Suffer)- He is defending in his next paper the Blocus de Matamoros and getting upon himself the whole Typographical association of this place,- The Echo de la Louisana (paper pd. by the l\foxican Consul and sustaining Santa Annas cause and of Mexico, and defying Texas) has attacked the old Gentleman more than once, but he is determined to stand upon his ground- I again recommend this subject to your serious consideration, and beg of you, to use your exertions in procuring the necessary means of continuing the Correo, for I fear that if it silences once it never wiU speak again for upon the same principles of pleading the cause of Texas, as heretofore has done it can never succeed here to get sufficient subscribers to maintain it. The cause of Texas is materially attacking the interest of the largest part of our mercantile Community, and every body connected with the propaganda of Texian principles, in this place is looked upon as opposed lo the Interests of our merchants, consequently a paper sustaining, as the Correo does the cause of Texas, and opposing every thing that is in connection with ·Mexico can not expect a public support. You will see that the Bee & Bulletin papers which are reputed to be the friends of Texas have always in cases, like the trial of the crew of the Invincible, the granting of letters of marque, and ultimately the Blockade of Matamoros, taken sides against Texas, while the Correo alone has defended the principles
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