the records of the department of war, and to obtain for you such compensation for your loss of time and expenditures, as a sense of justice may induce congress to grant. This duty, you may rest assured, shall be discharged with pleasure and fidelity. Blank muster rolls will be furnished to the captain of each company by the adjutant general of Kentucky and his instructions must be strictly attended to. Leslie Combs, Com. K. V. M. G. [3981] [FISHER to AUSTIN]
New Orleans 13th August 1836
Genl. S. F. Austin Texas Dr Sir
Enclosed I send you duplicat of my respects of 30th ulto. C Julius Caesar, which vessel I hope has reached safely your port. The Presidents (D. G. Burnet) proclamation respecting the Blockade of Matamoros has been published in this city, and the newspapers passed their criticisms thereinfrom. Some insurance Companies have write to Com. Dallas to Pensacola for his assistance lo convoy vessels into Matamoros & Tampico to which he has acceded, and in his letter dated 9th inst, published in the papers of this City, he says, that not having received any orders from the Governt i.e. U.S. respecting the Blockade of Matamoros, he can not permit the interruption of the American trade into the ports of Mexico-the Insurance Offices at present do not insure any thing at any rate to Matamoros, hut it is expected that so soon as the American Man of War, (which Com. Dallas promissed) shall have appeared off the Mississippi, the Companies will reasume their former business, and insurance may be ef-fected at the customary rates.- The Sehr. Venus (Mex.) put of for Tampico, but as the Independence (Tex.) went down by the same tow, it cult cable at the Battle ground & it is coming up again to discharge. The Independence, stopped also at the Battle ground, for what reason it is not known unless to afford her some assistance in as much as few evenings ago, the Venus has suffered an injury by her Jib boom being carried off by a tow that went down the river and which came in contact with it- I am of
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