[3979) [BURNET to TOBY]
Execulive Department Velasco 13. Aug. 1836
To Messrs T. Toby & Brother Genl.
I have remarked with inlerest what you say in regard to the brother in law of Sanla Anna.-lnasmuch as he has applied to you for a passport, I presume he will nol leave without your knowledge. But we moderns have refined greatly upon the art of circumvention and it may be that his application to you was designed to conceal his purposes under an appearance of . frankness. Be good enough lo have some regard to his movements and should he disappear from the City let us know it. I really entertain but little apprehension on his account but an attempt of the kind ought not to pass unpunished. I have no idP-a of being outwitted by a semi-civilized and not half chrislianized Mexican. If the Gentleman comes here he will assuredly come into hand cuffs and foot manacles
Your Obt Sevt David G. Burnet
General Orders.
Lexington, 13th August, 1836. The president of the United States has ordered the governor of Kentucky to disband the troops, who so promptly volunteered to march to the south western frontier to defend it from savage depredations. Neither the deadly climate to which they were ordered, nor the inevitable hardships and privations of a thousand miles march, at the most unfavorable season of the year, could clamp the ardor of the gallant Hunters of Kentucky, when called to rally under "The Star Spangled Banner." Selected by the governor to lead them to the field, it is but due to myself to declare that 1 would have been the friend and father of the high spirited youths inlrusted to my care, as well as their commander. It has been ordered otherwise, and we must submit. It now only remains for me lo have your names enrolled on
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