[3978) [BURNET to TOBY]
Executive Department Velasco 13 August 1836
To i\lessrs T. Toby & Brother Texas Agents confidential Genl.
The Julius Caesar has arrived and I am in possession of
yours of 5th instant.
At the earnest instance of the Officers of the Army we have resolved lo make a movement towards .Matamoros. For this purpose a goodly supply of provisions subject to being ordered to Brazos Santiago, is indispensible. Flour, Bread, Salt and Sugar and Coffee are specially wanted. Ammunition will also be required, say 100 Kegs of Powder viz. 50 Kegs Cannon Powder, 25 do Musket and 25 do Rifle, (all lo be of the very best quality) A corresponding quantity of Musket Balls will be requisite, and if the Balls cannot be had, bar lead had better he sent and a number of moulds. Bar Lead will be wanted also for Rifles say 200 lbs for this purpose. Adequate munitions for four 6 pounders and two 4 pounders, are required, lo wit, Round shot, Canister, Grape &c. Any quantity of Clothing, including shoes, that you can send will be acceptable, some are much wanted and no fear of having loo much. We are exceedingly anxious on this subject and will expect your action in it with impatience. Capt Brown of the Invincible sailed from here on the 12th for New York, for the purpose of repairing. In consequence of the presenl enterprise her absence would be much deprecated, and I request you will use all possible diligence lo communicate to Capt Brown an order for his immediate return to this Port. Commodore Hawkins has committed an error in taking his vessel into the River. If by any possibility he should he within your reach, do apprise him that it is our particular desire he should return forthwith lo this Port
Your Obt Sevt David G Burnet
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