July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

Governmenl or of Lhal Lady, reqmnng from her a slalement whether or not she ever received a receipt for Lhe Callie Lhal were taken, and you will make your report accordingly.

Your Obt Servant David G Burnet



Executive Department Velasco 13. Augl. 1836

To Messrs. Wm. 1-1. Wharton B. T. Archer S. F. Auslin Gent.

Your nole concerning the official letter of Genl. Rusk in relation lo a discenl upon Matamoros is this moment received. I assure you Gentlemen, that I will cheerfully and with all energy and prompitude adopt and forward any such scheme whether civil or military, which is calculated to promote Lhe interests of Texas. The project of a discent upon Malamoros has been rumored for some lime, as having originated wilh the Army. Extensive discrelionary powers have been vested in the Commanding General of Lhat Army, and all Lhat I have ever required in order lo give my official sanction to the proposed expedition was some assurance that il was to be a National affair, conducted on the received principles of Christian and civilized warfare and for the single purpose of advancing the great cause of Texian Independence. Being assured of these things no sanclion or effort of mine shall be with holden that can possibly conlribule to its en tire success. I pray you, Gentlemen, to accept assurances of my regard Your Ohl Sevt David G. Burnet


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