[3975) [13RYANT to HOUSTON]
Texas Sabine District August 13th 1836
Dear Sir
lnformation reached me last evening that James Gaines had received a letter from you saying that you did not refuse receiving a substitute for his son Edmund P. Gains. I will make a minute and correct statement of what passed on this subjecl and leave it with you to say whether E. P. Gains furnished a substi tu te or not. When I was making up my Company early in March E. P. Gains came forward and entered his name as a Volunteer. There was in the same Company a Volunteer by the name of David Roberts. We marched on for Head Quarters crossed the Brozos at Washington where the news of Fanins defeat reached us. We recrossed the Brazos al the same place and there Gains and six or seven more determined to return home. Not one word was said aboul Gains having a substitute until he had packed up everything to return home. He Gains then called on me and my first Lieutenant Hale to receive David Roberts one of Lhe same company whose name was regularly enroled as a substitute for him Gains. We refused, we told him that Roberts was equally bound with himself and therefore could not be received as a substitute for an individual of the same company. He urged the matter upon us until we agreed if you would receive a substitute in that way we would receive him. Gains then set out for home. When we arrived at Head Quarters on the Brazos west side at Groces. I called on you to know if a substitute could be received in that way you told me they could not. I do not recollect of mentioning Gains name but stated the case precisely as it occurred and consequently Roberts served out his own time in his own place was discharged in his own name and Gains was reported as a deserter. Since my return home we had a draft and the case was lried by impartial men. David Roberts was present and qualified. He swore that he was serving in his own place and not for Gains. Gains had to stand a drafl was drafted and refuses to serve. Now sir, this is precisely the case. Well in consequence of Gaines and several others refusing to serve a new levy was made to fill up the vacancy. I was not present but have been informed thal old James Gains was there full of vindictive feeling declaring that il was an [illegible 1 power, Lhat the draft was unauthorized &c which went down very well with several persons who were actually drafted in this district and as he exercises a controling influence over the people of lhis district &
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