July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

facility of being moved to any point of need. You will do me the favor to reflect upon this matter and transmit me your views. Regretting your indisposition, which I hope has ere this entirely passed away, I have the honor lo be Respectfully yours F. A. Sawyer acting Sec. at War

[3972) [SO:\IERVELL to BURNET]

Velasco Aug. 12, 1836

To his Excellency David G. Burnet Sir

While al Galveston Island Capt Murray of the Schooner Watchman complained to me that he could raise no money on the Treasury order which had been given him for freight, & that his men must have a small sum or they would not remain- Under these circumstances I advanced him one hundred and twenty seven dollars, which was indorsed on his Treasury order- The money advanced I borrowed on my own responsibility & wish an order on the Secretary of the Treasury for that amount, to pay the same, With sentiments of esteem I remain Your Ohl Svt A Somervell [3973) [TOBY INVOICE] Invoice of Sundries, Shipped by Thomas Toby & Brother on board Sehr. Colo. Fannin, Thompson Master, bound for Velasco-by order and for Account and risk of the Republic of Texas. 40 Boxes Brown Havana Sugar Grafs-17090 Care-1602-15,488 lbs a 10 40 Bags Coffee, vvr 24. wg. 3048 lbs a 12 c 364. 76 . 16. ". 26 qi" . a 13c 349.83 715.59 Less. 26 Oags. shipped pr. Wm. Henry 468.26 Drayage 13 50 1548 80

247 33 1809 63


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