r39111 [SAWYER to RUSKJ
War Department Velasco Aug J 2, 1836
T. J. Rusk Esqr.
Brig. Genl. Comg.
Your com municalion lo this Department of the 4th inst. has been duly recd. The intelligence it affords of the conditions and numbers of the enemy does not differ materially from the rumors we receive by the way of New Orleans. Information of an Authentic character having: reached here of serious agressions on the part of Indians on ·the lives and property of the citizens of the upper Colorado and Brazos rivers as weU as those of Little River selllements, from 2 to 3 companies of mounted men will be raised for one year, principally from among the citizens of the disturbed settelments, and will be placed under the command of Col. Coleman. The settlement of the claims of discharged soldiers who arrive al this post, creates an urgent necessity for the presence of the paymaster general. I must request you therefore to order him to repair forthwith to this place. There are daily applications al this office for certificates of enrollment, and as many capns. of companies have never returned a muster roll of the same. I must likewise request you to give a genl. order to the effect that all capns who have not make such return should do so with as little delay as practicable. There are two companies of volunteers just arrived here from the U. States, making an agregate of 125 men. There are likewise some munitions which will be forwarded immediately to Copano. I would respectfully solicit your opinion upon, the propriety and policy of a measure which has been su~gested here, in relation to the regulars which is their concentration at some one point, say Galveston Island. There is not at present a sufficient force there for the performance of the various duties of the post and the safely guarding of the Mexican prisoners, it will therefore, under any circumstances be necessary to increase the number of men there - and the inefficacy of a combination of raw recruits, with regulars, acting under different systems of discipline, will I think be readily acknowledged by you. Some of the benefits expected lo be derived from the measure are superior security for that important post, an improved discipline, health, and a ~real
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