particularly if we do not gel some clothes and supplies Will you have the kindness to present my thanks to Col Rusk and his Excellency the President for the papers sent me by the last mail. I have the honor to be with great Respect your obedient Servant
Thomas J. Rusk Ilrig Gen Comg.
(3970) [SAWYER to COLEMAN]
War Department Velasco, Aug. 12th, 1836
To Coln. R. ~I. Coleman Sir
You are hereby ordered lo raise for the Lenn of one year three companies of mounted men for the Special purpose of protecting the frontier inhabitants of uper Brazos- Colorado- Little River- and Guadaloupe;- You will make your head Quarters at Some suitable point above the Settlement, and take such other measures as you may deem best calculated to protect the persons and properly of the Citizens Aforesaid So Soon as a Company Shall be Complete you will order an Election for officers the result of which you will report lo this office that the persons elected may be Commissioned to the Secretary of War-You will See that the necessary arms provisions &c are furnished your men- You will at all Limes bear in mind the purposes for which you are detached, the complete protection of the inhabitants will not, it is hoped, be disappoin led.
By order of the President F. A. Sawyer Acting Sec at War
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