July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

Country under the law of the late Convention if organized under that Law they would come out legally hound to serve and we should then have a force which would be effective and some calculations might be made on our operations but as it is we are Lillie heller than a mob. I can form no plan of action which I may not be under the necessity of abandoning for the want of the [illegible] of carrying it into ef!ect It is true volunteers are now flocking to our standard but it will be equally true that when they begin to get naked they will ask their discharges and go back to the United Stales and we shall again be left without men when we shall in all probability most need them there is another subject which l would draw the attention of the Cabinet to and that is procuring the means of transportation both by land and water we ought lo have several good Steam Boats and ample. means ought to be placed at the disposition of the Quarter Master Genl to procure baggage wagons and establish military Depots in different parts of the Country please write me by the next mail I hear very little from Velasco and feel solicitous lo know the truth of the report of our recognition by the United Stales I have the honor to be your Obedient Servant Tho. J. Rusk To Hon A. Somerville Secy of War [3969] [RUSK to SOl\·IERVELL]



Head Quarters Coleto I 2th August 1836

To Honl A. Somervelle Secy of War Dear Sir

We have very liltle news since the time I wrote you before the enemy by all accounts are only two thousand strong at Mattamoros and greatly disorganized as is the case so far as l can learn throughout the whole country the army are from fourteen to fifteen hundred strong tolerable healthy in good spirits and generally anxious to go lo Mallamoros 1 do lrusl in God we shall be able lo make a start in a few days lf we lie about here until politicks gets a fast hold of us half the Army will be lost and


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