July 22 1836 to Sep 23 1836 - PTR, Vol 8

Troops within the boundry thus established by our Commissioners. Thus you see we will act with the knowledge and acquiesence of the l\'linister of Mexico, and with the view of keeping out of collision with Texas. I have very little doubt but Genl Gains wishes were to give the possession to Texas that their claim might be strengthened by that possession, because he was ordered at first to take a position as far advanced as Nacogdoches, but he did not, and by a late order was directed to occupy it, neither Texas nor Mexico being in possession, and there keep our Indians at peace and sustain our neutrality. You will now see that we cannot be charged with a violation of our neutrality, by Mexico, and our own safety required the possession as it regards Texas..... Andrew Jackson [To Amos Kendall] [3968] [RUSK to SOMERVELL]

Head Quarters Coleto 12th August 1836

Dear Sir

We are al present in a state of dull monotonous idleness anxiously awaiting news from the Seat of Government in relation to our intended movement againsl the enemy. I have ordered General Green lo Lewis Landing to send the supplies and recruits from there to Copano and I expect in some Six days to take up the march lo that point. If the news be true that our Independence has been acknowledged it is an important crisis in our affairs a well digested blame of action upon the subject will enable us lo borrow sufficient money to raise and support a regular force of al least one thousand men this force would be all sufficient to rally around upon every emergency that might occur in our affairs now is a very favorable time to encrease our regular Army hundreds of men here and all over the CounlTy would enlist if we had clothing for them and money enough to pay them their bounty a regular force would not be half the expense of volunteers and would be Len times as easily commanded and directed from one front lo another it would place our military establishment upon a respectable footing and induce men of talents and respectability lo enter and continue in the service Another important matter in my opinion is the organizing the Militia of the


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